10 questions to: KPV LV

Take note – story published 5 years and 9 months ago

Ahead of October 6 parliamentary elections we bring you some question and answer sheets from each of the 16 competing parties, listed in the order in which they will appear on ballot papers. The fifteenth installment concerns the KPV LV party.

1.Where and in what way do you intend to reduce public administration? 

Changes in government are impossible while the current model of ministry offices continues to exist. Its main characteristic now is the right on the part of each ministry to set its own priorities and the necessary funding. This model naturally creates a wish to widen the scope of activities and increase necessary funding. 

Keeping this problem in mind, KPV LV plans to:

a) turn the current ministries into secretariats of different functions;
b) ensure that they receive tasks from the Cabinet of Ministers;
c) merge the administrative functions of these secretariats, such as bookkeeping and human resources.

In this way, the functions of secretariats would be naturally reviewed, and during this review decisions could be adopted over the usefulness of these functions and the resources needed for carrying them out.

Government reforms are tied to a precise allotment of responsibility and changing the principles of budgeting, which would allow managers working in government more autonomy as concerns personnel policy and adopting decisions over funding. 

2. Which three ministries would you most like to lead?

We plan to rescind the current model of managing ministry departments. Likewise, we plan to reduce the number of people working in the Cabinet to seven people, namely the PM and six ministers. Our goal is to take the post of Prime Minister in the new Cabinet of Ministers. 

3. In what way should the work of the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau (KNAB) be changed?

The KNAB's intellectual resources are insufficient for investigating complex corruption schemes and leading them to court. This is proven by a large number of different loud arrests, as well as public leaks of investigative materials and a small number of real convictions. KPV LV thinks that the investigative functions over financial and economic crimes (including corruption by public and private officials) should be merged into a single institution, thereby ensuring maximally concentrated investigative jurisdiction and efficiency of investigative work. 

4. Should Latvia remain within the European Union and NATO?

Yes. Cooperation between the EU and NATO should be tighter, for example, in protecting the outer border of the EU.

5. Name three economic measures that could significantly improve the revenue side of the state budget?

Firstly: carrying out KPV LV's reform plan in government, tax system and courts. Thereby a favorable business environment is to be ensured, followed by GDP growth and consequently an increase in the volume of collected taxes. 

Secondly: carrying out KPV LV's reform plan in education and health. Thereby the availability of specialists would be ensured in a way that's appropriate for a modern service economy, followed by GDP growth and consequently an increase in the volume of collected taxes.

Thirdly: KPV LV's offer for the reform of the State Revenue Service, the goal of which is to create a State Revenue Service that is apt for today's demand; it would focus on the large non-payers of taxes, unlike now when it focuses on small tax payers. 

6. Do you support the Cohabitation Act, which would also provide a basis for legal relations for same-sex couples?

KPV LV does not consider this a political matter, therefore we offer to call a referendum over legalizing same-sex marriage and cohabitation. We will support the outcome of this referendum.

7. Does Latvia need a different president for the next term? What should the criteria be?

We have previously voiced support for Egils Levits' candidacy. Mr. Levits fits all the criteria for being the President of Latvia. 

8. Should the range of goods and services subject to reduced VAT be extended?

Reducing the VAT is a measure that should be used to improve the welfare of socially undefended groups as well as families with children. 

9. In what way would you reform real estate taxes?

Creating a set of criteria, the real estate tax should be lifted immediately for pensioners.

KPV LV thinks that within five to seven years Latvia should move to completely abandoning the real estate tax for the sole domicile.  

10. What are the three main measures to improve the health care system in Latvia?

Firstly, strengthening the institution of general practitioners by increasing funding, increasing the number of GPs (especially in regions) and reducing the bureaucratic stress put on them. 

Secondly, reducing drug prices by liberalizing the pharmacy market.

Thirdly, increasing wages for the lower-paid medical personnel.

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