Tobacco and e-cigarettes might be subject to higher age limit in Latvia

Take note – story published 1 year and 4 months ago

On Thursday, March 23, the Saeima approved amendments in the second reading, which plan to prescribe that tobacco products, substitute products, plant smoking products, electronic smoking devices, and fillers will be prohibited to sell to persons under the age of 20.

 79 members voted for the amendments and 6 voted against. 

In order for the ban to come into force, the amendments to the law in parliament still need to be supported in the third – final – reading.

Tobacco and alternative products are currently available to persons aged 18.

The amendments to the law also prohibit the sales of electronic smoking device fluids and substitute tobacco products containing flavorings.

At the same time, it is planned to limit the production and sales of tobacco products, substitute tobacco products or electronic smoking devices that visually resemble sweets, snacks, and toys.

Inga Bērziņa, Chair of the Social and Labor Affairs Committee, previously stated that the money brought about by trade of smoking products cannot be more important than human health and life. In her assessment, it is particularly important to take care of the health of the vulnerable group – children and young people – by minimizing the attractiveness of smoking products in their eyes.

The majority of the Saeima also supported the proposal submitted by the opposition deputy Armands Krauze (Union of Greens and Farmers), which provides for a ban on smoking in Saeima and Cabinet buildings.

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