Ten naughty Saeima deputies fined and warned

Take note – story published 3 years and 7 months ago

In the six months from April 14 to September 2 of this year, ten percent of the deputies of the 13th Saeima have been caught in contravention of regulations resulting in "administrative responsibility" -- speeding fines and the like. 

In all, 10 of 100 Saeima deputies found themselves on the wrong end of the laws manufactured in their own place of work.

The information is stated in the regular report to the Saeima prepared by the Mandates, Ethics and Submissions Commission on the basis of information provided by the Ministry of the Interior. 

According to the Information Center of the Ministry of the Interior from the Criminal Register on violation of restrictions on commercial activities, mergers, representation, gaining income or restrictions on the handling of state or municipal property, as well as on the performance of public official functions of conflict of interest, deputy Jānis Butāns (New Conservative Party) has been assigned administrative responsibility. 

Deputies Jānis Dūklavs (Greens and Farmers Union) and Aivars Geidāns (KPV LV) have been held administratively liable for exceeding the permitted speed limit by 21 to 30 kilometers per hour. 

Rather heavier on the gas pedal was deputy Sandis Riekstins (New Conservative Party) who exceeded the permitted driving speed by 41 to 50 kilometers per hour. 

Administrative liability has also been applied to deputy Ilmārs Dūrītis (For Development/For!) for non-termination of the performance of an unauthorized position, company contract or authorization within the term specified by law. 

Aldis Gobzems (Independent), has been called to administrative responsibility for sneaking into the resort of Jūrmala without an entrance pass, while Igors Pimenovs (Harmony), outdid him by doing the same thing twice. 

Taking it to the next level as far as crossing borders is concerned is Vladimirs Nikonovs (Harmony) who has been administratively punished for violating the regime of the state border zone, border zone, border or border crossing point. 

The only woman on the list is deputy Vita Anda Tērauda (For Development/For!) who was handed administrative responsibility for violating the obligations imposed on pedestrians, while deputy Jānis Urbanovičs got the same, somehow, for a violation relating to places marked with road signs “Start of settlement” or “Residential area”. 

According to the information of the Ministry of the Interior, deputies Butāns, Dūklavs, Dūrītis, Geidans, Gobzems, Pimenovs, Riekstiņš and Urbanovičs were slapped with fines, while Nikonovs and Tērauda were handed warnings.

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