Anti-graft authority probing public road maintenance company

Take note – story published 6 years and 3 months ago

The recent raid at the offices of Latvia's public road maintenance company, Latvijas autoceļu uzturētājs, was carried out as part of an investigation over abuse of power and organized fraud, Jēkabs Straume, the head of the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau told LTV April 13. 

Straume said that a criminal procedure has been launched against several persons, but did not reveal whether the case is tied to any tenders the company had launched.

According to information obtained by the LETA news agency, the search was related to a tender held in 2016 and involving the Vlakon company. The raid might also be related to Vladimirs Kononovs, the former boss of the company who stood down in August 2017.

In 2016, Latvijas autoceļu uzturētājs declared its long-standing cooperation partner, Vlakon company, as the winner of the tender for a €9 million worth three-year contract for supply of crushed dolomite but the Procurement Monitoring Bureau banned the company from signing the contract with Vlakon due to violations in the work of the tender commission. 

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