Border Guard catch travelers with fake Covid-19 test results

Take note – story published 3 years and 3 months ago

Latvian border guards have identified fake Covid-19 test results for the first time since the introduction of the state of emergency, Latvian Border Guard press representative Kristīne Pētersone told LETA April 6.

On April 2, border guards in Valka stopped a van and identified eight Ukrainian citizens with fake Covid-19 tests. A €650 penalty was imposed on each person.

On April 5, in Valka, border guards stopped another van, with five Ukrainian citizens with fake Covid-19 tests. Four individuals were fined €500, while the driver was fined €600.

In both cases, file materials have also been transferred to the State Police, which has commenced criminal proceedings after the Section of the Criminal Law regarding the falsification of a document, as well as regarding the sale or use of a falsified document.


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