Internal Security Bureau probes fatal road traffic incident

Take note – story published 2 years and 1 month ago

The Internal Security Bureau (IDB) said June 3 it has taken over a pre-trial investigation from the State Police (VP) in a criminal case in which police detained an official of the State Fire and Rescue Service (VUGD) on suspicion of causing a fatal accident while driving under the influence of alcohol.

The incident under investigation saw the suspect allegedly leave the scene of the traffic accident in Latgale region in which a cyclist was killed, without notifying the police or paramedics. The VUGD employee was not on duty at the time.

In connection with the incident, criminal proceedings were initiated for violation of road traffic regulations or vehicle operation regulations resulting in a fatality, committed by a person driving a vehicle under the influence of alcohol.

At the suggestion of the Internal Security Bureau, a court has ruled that the suspect be kept in custody pending further developments. 

The Internal Security Bureau is a public administration institution whose task is  to detect, prevent and investigate criminal offenses committed by officials and employees of institutions subordinate to the Ministry of the Interior such as police, border guards, prison officers and firefighters. 

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