A criminal process against the person was started on July 11 after an investiation found the unnamed individual's "active involvement in correspondence on channels supporting far-right extremism and terrorism on the messaging platform Telegram, which indicated the person's possible radicalization."
"During an in-depth investigation of the person's activities, the VDD found that the person purposefully acquired and distributed content supporting far-right extremism, terrorist propaganda, video recordings of terrorist acts, as well as instructions for making explosives and weapons in the virtual environment. Also, the person was involved in the administration of several international communication channels supporting extreme right-wing extremism and terrorism, promoting the distribution of hateful content and justifying violence against people of different skin color and ethnicity, religious and sexual minorities," the VDD said.
In a personal data carrier, the VDD found a large amount of terrorism-related material including the manifestos of mass murderers Anders Behring-Breivik and Brenton Tarant and other far-right terrorists, plus materials glorifying their attacks, video recordings of terrorist acts, instructions for making explosives and weapons.
"In the course of the investigation, the VDD uncovered the person's efforts to purchase tactical equipment and substances necessary for the manufacture of explosives. In addition, the VDD found out that a Latvian citizen had individually sent information useful for carrying out terrorist acts: instructions for making weapons and explosives, as well as video recordings of terrorist acts, to several individuals," the security service said.
The VDD is one of three national security services in Latvia. The others are the Constitution Protection Bureau (SAB) and the Defense Intelligence and Security Service (MIDD).