Border Watch: Russian submarines, ships spotted

Take note – story published 7 years and 10 months ago

On Saturday and Sunday Latvia's National Armed Forces (NBS) detected several Russian submarines and naval ships near Latvian waters, the forces said on Twitter.

On Saturday, a Russian Kilo-class and Finik-class submarines were detected about 10 nautical miles from Latvian waters. The same day saw a Parchim-class corvette being detected 22 nautical miles from Latvian waters along with another submarine.

On Sunday, a Kashtan-class naval ship was detected 20 nautical miles from Latvian waters. In addition, NATO fighters patrolling Baltic skies identified a Russian Tu-134 military aircraft, as well as two Su-27 fighter jets flying over neutral waters near Latvian territory.

Russian warships and military aircraft have been approaching Latvian borders on a regular basis in recent years.

On July 18 Russian warships and nine military aircraft were detected near Latvian borders.

Last year Russian military aircraft and ships were spotted near Latvia's border over 270 times, including more than 140 incidents involving Russian military airplanes and 130 incidents involving Russian submarines and warships which had approached Latvia's borders.

"The navy detected Russian BS Kilo and Finik type submarines in the Latvian exclusive economic zone ten nautical miles from Latvia's waters," said NBS in the first of a series of tweets on Russian activity near Latvia's borders.

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