State Police management switch-up as of next year

Take note – story published 2 years and 9 months ago

Chief of State Police (VP) Armands Ruks has decided to carry out management rotation as of January 1 next year in the Economic Crimes division, the Organized Crime division and the Forensics division, the VP said December 23.

Ruks' decision on the rotation of officials was taken “with a view to promoting police development and enabling high-level leaders to exercise their knowledge and professional capacity in another area of the institution”.

By December 5, 2024, Colonel Peteris Bauska will be transferred from his position as head of the Economic Crimes division to head of Organized Crime division. By April 4, 2022, Forensics head Colonel Pauls Krūmiņš will be transferred to the position of chief of Economic Crimes division, whereas Organized Crimes head Colonel Andrejs Siņavins will be transferred to the position of head of Forensics division by January 1, 2022.

"In assessing the essential requirements required for these posts, as well as the current course of service, the undisputed authority among colleagues and partners, the relevance of personal characteristics, professional experience and the potential positive contribution of these superiors to the management of other bodies of the same level, it is convincing that such rotation will enable them to effectively manage the above-mentioned departments. At the same time, it will fully allow for significant exchanges of experience, efficient resource management, and the introduction of new approaches, which would not only make it possible to understand differences in work between different departments in the State Police, but would also have a positive overall impact on the development of the State Police,” said chief Armands Ruks.

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