Cold weather prolongs holidays for many pupils in Latgale

On Monday, January 8, schools resume after the winter holidays, but in many places in Latgale, students stayed home as the thermometer bar slipped below -30 C, Latvian Radio reported.

Cabinet of Ministers regulations state that children under the age of 12 inclusive may skip school if the air temperature is below -20 C, while children over the age of 13 – if the temperature is below -25 degrees.

For example, at Viļāni High School, the information that the school will not work today was distributed in due course to all possible information channels, and no students arrived.

Rēzekne and Preili municipalities and several other parishes said previously that school buses would not run as it was clear after the cold holidays that the old diesel engines would not be able to start.

One of the few schools where lessons take place, on the other hand, is Rezekne Municipality's Malta High School. It is true that of the more than 500 pupils, only 49 had arrived.

Viners Dimpere, principal of Malta High School, said she had observed -24 degrees at the school thermometer this morning and as much as -31 degrees at the lake.

“We're a village, quite a big village. To make the decision that we learn remotely because of the cold we cannot and will not,“ Dimpere noted.

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