There are currently around 40,000 Ukrainian civilians registered in Latvia, of which 65% or 26,000 are adults. In order to ensure greater opportunities to secure work, as well as to promote the socio-economic integration of individuals into Latvian society, knowledge of the Latvian language is deemed necessary by the government.
The purpose of the program is to promote the use of the Latvian language among Ukrainian civilians by providing free Latvian language lessons to adult Ukrainian civilians and minors with secondary education, in all regions of Latvia and regardless of their length of stay in Latvia.
This year 3,990,400 euros are earmarked for the implementation of an education program administered by the Society Integration Fund (SIF), and another 39,436 euros for program administration.
Last year, as a result of the state budget-financed program implemented by SIF, 31 contracts were concluded with organizations that provided Latvian language lessons in all regions of Latvia. A total of 3,507 persons attended Latvian language lessons. 2,249 persons successfully acquired the A1 language proficiency level and 350 persons reached the more advanced A2 level.