Education Ministry eyes earlier school age

Take note – story published 7 years ago

The Education and Science Ministry plans on moving forward with proposals which would allow for children to begin schooling from the age of six.

The ministry has prepared amendments to the Education Law, which foresees that children can begin the first-grade from the age of six if their parents wish to begin their schooling a year earlier.

If passed, the amendments would come into force from September 1, 2018.

Meanwhile, the ministry points out that the proposals to allow children begin the first grade a year earlier does not mean they will ''sit in their desks'' in the traditional way.

''The proposal foresees that six-year-old children will be schooled in such an environment which is in accordance with their age,'' the ministry points out.

The ministry points out that parents should not be worried about any substantial changes to the schooling environment and the teaching process.

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