Primrose to brighten up the summer post

A new stamp from Latvia's postal service, Latvijas Pasts, promises to add a touch of summer color to letters being delivered in coming months.

May 24 will see the launch of  a stamp and an envelope dedicated to a rare and protected plant in Latvia – Primula farinosa, also known as the 'Bird's eye primrose' in English and 'Bezdelīgactiņa' in Latvian, as well as a host of other folk names.

The flower is one of the two wild primrose species found in Latvia, found most often in marshes and water meadows.

The new stamp is issued in a circulation of 50,000 copies, while there will be just 500 examples of the special commemoratve envelope. The nominal value of the stamp is 1.65 euros, which corresponds to the payment of letter correspondence in the weight category up to 20 grams in the territory of Latvia. The author of the design of the philatelic issues is the artist Edgars Folks.

The new stamp will initially be available for purchase at post offices in major cities, as well as in the e-store of Latvijas Pasts.

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