Infectologist: No such thing as safe-travel countries

Take note – story published 3 years and 11 months ago

Latvian residents should not travel at the moment, because there are no safe countries where people can be protected from COVID-19, the chief infectologist of the Ministry of Health, Uga Dumpis, said in an interview on Latvian Television  August 18.

He stressed that also in  the "green area" are countries with five times more COVID-19 patients than in Latvia. At the same time, in recent months, the highest risk to the spread of COVID-19 in Latvia has been travelers returning home.

“Going outside Latvia at this time is not only risky, but also strange,” said Dumpis.

However, the infectologist said that the majority of the population in Latvia still complies with self-isolation when returning from abroad. Most people are also careful about the distance, as well as protecting themselves.

In the autumn, the main challenge will be to safeguard schools so that they do not have COVID-19 outbreaks. Dumpis said that it was very important for children, especially under the age of 10, to go to school. Even if there is a COVID-19 case at one school, all schools will not be closed.

Dumpis also said that there are a number of vaccines in development process. It will be known in the autumn whether they work.

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