Law on healthcare funding might be amended, says minister

Take note – story published 5 years and 8 months ago

It's possible to amend the healthcare law, especially in relation to linking health care services with social contributions, while annulling it would also annul wage rise for medics, said outgoing Health Minister Anda Čakša (Greens and Farmers Union) in an interview with Latvian Radio November 5.

She spoke about the benefits of the law, saying that it ensures increase of wages for medics and nurses, provides a possibility to improve health care services. The biggest benefit, in her opinion, is that nurses who have gone abroad for better wages, have started returning back to Latvia.

Čakša reminded that the law ensures that all employees and employers pay additional 1% in health care budget and this in total has ensured €85 million this year. This financing has been used to increase medics wages. 

As reported, in the coalition formation process and during the pre-election time, the For Development/For party said they want to annul the bill on health care financing. The party’s co-chairman Daniels Pavļuts said that the new government should radically change the current model, making health care services available without discrimination to people who have paid taxes.

The New Conservative Party and For Development/For during their meeting agreed that the health reform should be revised.

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