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Stradiņš hospital puts up modular houses expecting patient influx

Take note – story published 2 years and 10 months ago

Anticipating an influx of patients and knowing that some of them will need to be isolated because of Covid-19 infection, Rīga Stradiņš Hospital will soon expand, adding modules to the housing, Latvian Television reported September 2.

The modular hospital includes both surgery rooms, single rooms, and observation rooms. The 1900-square meter modular hospital will allow the long waiting time to be reduced in the emergency medical center, where people are forced to stay for hours.

The modular factory in Ādaži is already working on connecting structures. 

“A base is prepared on the meadow so that the modules can remain in the long term. The surface of the soil is removed, geotextile, sand, and splinters are laid. All of this will be on metal structures, we need to align it with the height of the floor of wing 15 [of the hospital],” explained Krūmiņš.

The modular hospital is particularly awaited by the admissions department.

Valērijs Ratobiļskis head of the Emergency Center, said: “We will have rooms for both Covid-19 patients and “normal” patients where flow could be segregated and patients could be isolated. [..] We're all set.”

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