Donations to Ukraine jumped after Kakhovka dam destruction

Take note – story published 1 year and 1 month ago

After the Russian occupation forces blew up the Kakhovka hydropower station and dam in Ukraine, which resulted in the flooding of large areas, Latvian people's donations to Ukraine have increased, the head of the charity platform, Rūta Dimanta, told Latvian Radio on June 8.

Dimanta observed that society was still very supportive of Ukraine, yet in more than a year people have become accustomed to war, the war has become the new normal. Focus is shifting to other things, yet moral support remains.

In recent months, the humanitarian situation,  and food supplies in Ukraine have stabilized, and military goods that were more difficult to supply are provided more by NATO and the EU, said Dimanta.

But after Russian forces blew up Kakhovka dam creating an ecological disaster, people began to donate more. Those who donate regularly asked to redirect their donations directly to the victims of the flooding.

Dimanta said victims of the floods needed basic household goods – blankets, sleeping bags, food, medical supplies, hygiene goods. Many who have returned to areas freed from the occupation are now forced to leave their homes for the second time.

To help Ukraine, funds can be donated on the website, practical items can be transferred to the association “Your Friends” in Riga, Ventspils Street, and cars can be donated to “Twitterconvoy”, Dimanta reminded the public.

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