Fire in Rīga Thursday evening

A fire broke out in an unmanaged wooden building on Valmieras Street in Riga on Thursday, May 23, the State Fire and Rescue Service (VUGD) said. Due to the fire-fighting works, traffic on the section of Valmieras Street between Matīsa and Lienes Streets was restricted, and renewed before midnight.

The VUGD informed that a call to a fire in Valmieras Street was received on Thursday at 17:53. Initial information showed that an uninhabited two-story wooden building was burning and the flames were spreading rapidly.

At 19:37 firefighters contained the flames. The second floor of the two-storey wooden building was 10 m2 on fire, the slab between the second floor and the attic 500 m2, and the roof 600 m2. Total burning area was 1110 m2. 

Six trucks, two forklifts and more than 20 firefighters were involved in the extinguishing operations. Extinguishing works concluded at half past midnight.

One firefighter suffered injuries at the scene. 


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