The remigrant figures include Latvian citizens and non-citizens, as well as residents whose nationality is different, but whose country of birth is Latvia, according to the latest experimental statistical data of the CSB. The figure is notably up on 2020's equivalent figure of 4,700 remigrants.
Since the beginning of collecting data on remigrants in 2013, the largest number of nationals who returned to live in Latvia during the year was registered last year. More remigrants are men (59.7%) and there is a predominance of men in migration as a whole - 56.6% and 66.1% among the departures and arrivals, respectively.
40% of all remigrants over the age of 15 are employed, 5.4% are unemployed, and 54.6% are classed as economically inactive (students, pensioners, recipients of income from capital).
The most common remigrants are representatives of straightforward professions (18%), such as building construction workers, workers not classified elsewhere, cleaners of offices, hotels and other premises, service and trade workers (16.9%), skilled workers and craftsmen (15%). The field of services and trade is represented by almost every third (31.5%) of employed remigrants (over 15 years old), men alone 7.1%. For women, the second most popular group of professions are senior specialists (16.3%), followed by simple professions (13.8%). The most popular occupation group for men is skilled workers and craftsmen (21.5%), while 20.9% were employed in simple occupations, such as building construction workers, stackers, workers not classified elsewhere. 11.3% of men are managers, while women – 8%.
If you compare the data of employed remigrants with the employment data of permanent residents of Latvia, senior specialists (17.5%), service and sales workers (15.1%), as well as specialists (14.2%) dominate among Latvian residents.