Bribery watchdog barks at hospital diagnosticians

Take note – story published 9 years and 2 months ago

A criminal probe has been opened by the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau (KNAB) into a group of x-ray technicians and medical staff at Riga’s leading hospitals for requesting and accepting bribes for moving patients up in line.

Taking illegal advantage of their position, the group from Riga East Clinical University Hospital allegedly conspired to offer queue-hopping privileges to patients needing expedited magnetic-resonance imaging services (MRIs), requesting and accepting illegal cash benefits from them, KNAB representative Laura Dūša told Latvian Radio Tuesday.

The anti-graft watchdog agency wouldn’t reveal how many suspects are under investigation.

Such crimes carry possible five-year sentence of jail or community service, monetary fines and prohibitions from serving in the profession for up to five years.

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