Crowds gather to protest against Covid restrictions in Latvia

Take note – story published 3 years and 4 months ago

Opponents of Covid-19 restrictions and other activists gathered in Rīga center on Saturday, LETA and Latvian Radio reported March 20.

Live broadcasts hosted by activists from the group's Facebook account, the Tautas Varas Fronte online (People's Power Front online), show that a total of several hundred people were gathering at Freedom Monument Square and Esplanāde park.

Gita Gžibovska, spokeswoman for the State Police, told LETA that the police had been informed that an unauthorized gathering was planned in Rīga Saturday.

In view of the fact that there have been similar measures and the experience of the police in the past, law enforcement was prepared to ensure public order and security but no major incidents were reported, Gžibovska said.

Several people were trying to gather in larger groups, but were reminded of assembly restrictions and the need to observe two meters distance, explained the police representative.

“The police are recording what is happening with technical means and will accordingly assess any violations of the epidemiological restrictions or otherwise,” Gžibovska said.

Recently the Rīga City Vidzeme District Court decided  to end the activities of the “People's Power Front” foundation led by the activist Valentīns Jeremejevs, who was previously detained on suspicion for distributing false news about Covid-19. 

According to the State Security Service, the People's Power Front foundation systematically fails to comply with the law and publicly invites others to do so, creating risks not only to public health but also a general threat to the public and public security.


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