Environmental Service chief steps down

Take note – story published 5 years and 5 months ago

The State Environmental Service's Director General Inga Koļegova has agreed with Environmental Protection and Regional Development Minister Juris Pūce (Development/For!) to step down, LETA was informed by the minister's spokeswoman Agnese Vārpiņa.

Koļegova has stepped down from January 29, and an interim chief will be appointed in the coming days.

"I met Ms. Koļegova yesterday evening, and we discussed everything related to her work in civil office up until now, and we came to an arrangement that it is both in her and in the civil service interests that we agree upon terminating the work relationship," said Juris Pūce.

Pūce also hinted that Koļegova has options to pursue a career elsewhere. 

Koļegova herself said she'd comment the event later, when she will have formally abandoned the post. 

As reported, Koļegova has failed to include in her public official asset declaration deals worth more than €300,000, according to the charges laid against her by the prosecutor’s office.

According to the prosecutor’s office, the public official failed to include in her 2013, 2014 and 2015 declarations the real estate at her disposal, as well as transactions whose value exceeded 20 minimum monthly wages, as well as other facts concerning her finances.

The official also did not declare deals worth more than €300,000 which had been made in 2013. In the declarations for 2014 and 2015, the official provided false information about large deals whose total value exceeded €600,000, the prosecutor’s office said.

Under the Criminal Law, the above offenses carry a short (up to three months) jail sentence, community work or a fine.

Koļegova, who once vied for the position of heading the State Revenue Service, also came under flak due to the fact that under her watch an illegal dump was burned down in Jūrmala, causing an international scandal

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