Five apply for Pasazieru Vilciens train tender

Take note – story published 8 years and 8 months ago

Five companies have applied for the first round of a new electric train procurement tender announced by the joint-stock company Pasazieru Vilciens (PV), as the company's representative Egons Alers informed LETA Friday.

The deadline for applying for the first round of PV's electric train tender was today.

Applications were submitted by Patentes Talgo S.L, Stadler Polska Sp. z o.o., Uralskie lokomotivy, Construcciones y Auxiliar de Ferrocarriles S.A., and Skoda vagonka a.s..

"The tender procedure was organized with the aim to reach out to as many candidates as possible, with expectations that this will allow us to receive a decent offer for the best price. The industry's interest in the tender has been the highest of all time in Latvia with regard to procurements of this level. This shows that we have chosen a proper form of tender, which facilitates competition and will ensure more beneficial requirements for procurement of new trains in the future," said Andris Lubans, CEO of PV.

As reported, PV has announced a tender for the procurement of suburban electric trains and equipment for their maintenance, according to information on the Procurement Monitoring Bureau's website.

According to the announcement, PV is planning to buy suburban passenger electric trains, equipment for their maintenance, and spare parts, and the bidders are also to organize personnel training and supply documents necessary for train maintenance.

A 36-month contract will be signed with the winning bidder.

Pasazieru Vilciens will pick the best offer in spring 2016. It is estimated that the new tender will cost about €200m.

The previous two tenders had failed. The Latvian Prosecutor General's Office has opened a criminal probe into the failed train procurement deal and forwarded the case to the State Police for investigation about the first, failed train tender. 

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