Foreign Ministry video advises: "Choose love over slavery"

Take note – story published 3 years and 9 months ago

The Latvian Foreign Ministry has published a series of videos on its YouTube channel warning against the dangers of a sham marriages, labor exploitation and sexual exploitation.

Running to just under a minute long each, the first features TV presenter Baiba Sipeniece-Gavare in a darkened studio reading out a warning that not all demonstrations of affection are what they seem and might merely be a way of obtaining a residence permit.

"Choose love over slavery" urges Sipeniece-Gavare.

It ends with contact details for those who might find themselves in such a situation.

As previously reported by LSM, it forms part of a wider campaign.

Additional videos uploaded to the channel October 22 include one about Sexual Exploitation featuring basketball player Davis Bertans and a third covers Labor Exploitation, presented by athlete Madara Palameika.


On the same day, the ministry also published a series of videos for another, unrelated campaign, urging people to think twice before sharing things on social media.


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