Jets up again to intercept Russian refueler

Take note – story published 9 years and 6 months ago

The Baltic Air Police (BAP) took to the skies again after a New Year’s lapse in Russian military buzzings near Latvian airspace Friday, sending its MiG-29 jets up to intercept an Ilyushin-78 aerial refueling tanker that strayed too close to its border over the Baltic Sea, the NBS tweeted Friday afternoon.

Between December 22 last year and January 15, 2015 NATO's interceptors based in Lithuania, Estonia and Poland did not scramble a single time to intercept Russian military planes flying close to the borders of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.

That marks a notable difference to the trend in October and November when NATO jets were scrambling on an almost daily basis and intercepts included large formations of Russian nuclear bombers.

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