Latvia among most compliant EU countries

Take note – story published 8 years ago

An annual report published by the European Union shows that Latvia is one of the most compliant countries in the 28-member bloc when it comes to introducing EU legislation at a national level.

The 33rd 'Annual Report on Monitoring the Application of EU Law' reviews the Member States’ performance in key areas of the application of EU law and highlights the main trends in enforcement policy in 2015. 

In fact according to the report Latvia is the fifth-most compliant country behind Croatia, Denmark, Malta and Estonia.

Last year 28 infringements of EU law ("infringements for incorrect transposition and/or bad application of EU laws") were recorded in Latvia, and a further 20 laws were introduced too late ("late transposition infringements").

In comparison Croatia chalked up 21 plus 7 infringements respectively, while the worst country for compliance, Italy, managed to rack up 89 plus 20 infringements.

A national factsheet gives details of Latvia's performance and also records that Latvia was subject to a ruling that "the requirement to hold Latvian nationality to exercise the profession of notary is a discrimination based on nationality prohibited by Article 49 of Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union."

"New complaints against Latvia continued falling in 2015, reaching their lowest level since 2011. New EU Pilot files also continued the steady decrease seen since 2011. However, the numbers of open infringement cases and of new late transposition cases both rose," the report said. 

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