Latvia among the least religious countries in the world

Take note – story published 9 years and 1 month ago

A study called 'The Future of World Religions: Population Growth Projections, 2010-2050' and published by the Pew Research Center shows that Latvia is one of the least religious countries in the world. It ranks eighth, proportionally, in the number of people considering themselves unaffiliated with any religion. The majority of the Latvian population remains nominally Christian, though.

The study encompassed 150 countries, showing which religions dominate which countries and adding projections for 2020, 2030, 2040 and 2050. 

According to the study, Latvia ranked eight among the proportion of inhabitants not affiliated with any religion. Exactly 43.8% answered to the survey this way, while 55.1% consider themselves Christian.

Neighboring Estonia placed third with 59.6 and 39.9 per cent respectively, while Lithuania ranked 62nd with 10 and 89.8 per cent.

The composition of religious people and atheists is not predicted to change significantly by 2050, with the Christian proportion set to shrink for about one percent. 

Perhaps more disconcerting is the projection that the population of Latvia will shrink to 1,720,000 from the current 2 million.

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