Ministry of Health proposes taxing sweets

Take note – story published 9 years ago

Presumably not just to make life less sweet, the Latvian Ministry of Health has proposed to instate an excise tax on sugar, chocolate and sweet pastry. The plan is supposed to bring more than 30 mln euro to the state budget.

Aside from that, the Ministry of Health proposes to increase the tax for sweet and energy drinks, and juice that contains a lot of sugar, said Oskars Šneiders, a representative to the ministry.

Meat produce is to be taxed as well, if these contain more than 1.8 grams of salt for every 100 grams of the product.

Instant soups, fat and stock are to be taxed as well if there's more than a gram of salt for every 100 grams.

Palm oil, chocolate, sugar and sweet pastry, as well as cakes are proposed to be taxed too.

And finally some non-edible products are to be taxed as well - plant sprays and electronic cigarette fluid.

The initiative is for the 2016 state budget. This way Health Ministry wants to find the funding it needs. 

"Many EU member states tax food that contains too much fat, is too sweet or too salty," said Šneiders.

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