More bizarre twists from anti-corruption squad

Take note – story published 7 years and 9 months ago

Latvia's anti-corruption agency, the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau (KNAB) was at the center of further bizarre goings-on Tuesday.

The agency, which has been characterized by controversy, infighting and increasingly bizarre information leaks for the best part of a decade added a couple more unusual items to its in tray.

As previously reported by LSM, the agency has recently come under fire for allegedly losing some official documents relating to ongoing investigations.

However on Tuesday it emerged that the documents might not have been lost at all, according to unofficial information obtained by LSM and LTV reporter Ivo Leitans.

KNAB reportedly declined the chance to confirm or deny that the documents had been found, just as it had refused to confirm or deny that they had been mislaid in the first place. 

In a series of tweets, the agency said that the loss of state secrets "has not happened".

An ongoing investigation into whether or not the documents had gone missing was based on the possibility that a state secret had escaped, it attempted to clarify.

It then moved on to advise news agencies not to write "untrue headlines which mislead society."

Nor was that the end of KNAB's trials Tuesday. Following a raid at the office of Jurmala mayor Gatis Truksnis (Greens and Farmers Union party), and possibly also at his home, Truksnis was reported to have been taken to hospital in an ambulance.

It is not yet clear whether the two things are connected.

All this happens against the background of an ongoing competition to appoint a new chief of KNAB.

Incumbent KNAB chief Jaroslavs Strelcenoks is coming under increasing pressure in his efforts to retain his position. To put it mildly.

Other recent controversies have included questions about whether or not a senior KNAB employee was offered a large bribe and if he was, why nothing was done about it, and whether another senior employee was who she said she was.

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