Navy patrol saw Russian ship raise onboard mini-sub

Take note – story published 9 years and 8 months ago

On the night of October 6, when the National Armed Forces (NBS) reported spotting a Russian navy submarine support ship near Latvia’s territorial waters, its patrols also watched a miniature submarine be picked up from the depths and raised onboard, Defense Ministry spokesman Kaspars Galkins told national information agency LETA Monday.

During the monitoring of the identified CC-750 type sub-support craft, the NBS sea patrol observed as the mini-sub was hauled onto the deck from below the surface. The Defense Ministry has no information whether these kinds of submarines are a part of Russia’s permanent armed forces and what functions it may have been fulfilling so close to Latvian waters, Galkins said.

Indeed, that same day NBS patrols noted other Russian naval activity involving a Kilo-class submarine and Steregushiy-class frigate.

The information on the sighting of the mini-sub being pulled out of the water and hauled onboard comes just days after Sweden’s naval forces called off a week-long unsuccessful search operation for precisely such a suspected underwater vessel.

On October 24 Swedish Navy Admiral Anders Grenstadt announced that the elusive craft was most likely a small submarine that clearly got away.

This kind of underwater vessel is meant mainly for spying activities and diversionary tactics, according to retired NBS Vice-Admiral Gaidis Zeibots. They tend to be about ten to fifteen meters long, holding a three-person crew that can transport an additional five to six divers to be deployed for various specific surveillance or sabotage activities.

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