Number of higher education students declines

Take note – story published 8 years and 5 months ago

The number of students enrolling for higher education courses in Latvia reduced by 2 percent last year according to official data released Monday. 

Data compiled by the Central Statistical Bureau (CSB) show that, in the academic year 2015/2016, enrolment in higher education institutions of Latvia accounted for 84,300 students.

On that basis, total enrolment in higher education institutions declined by 2% on the same period in 2014/2015.

As with previous years, social sciences and humanities dominate the study programs – they are chosen by 65.4% of students. However there was some good news for science with the information that enrolment in exact sciences has grown by 9.5 %.

In academic year 2015/2016, 29,100 new students enrolled, whereas 17,000 graduated - suggesting the number dropping out in between is considerable.

Interesingly, of that 17,000 figure, 11,100 or 65.4 % were females, which implies women have rather more staying power than men in matters academic.

Meanwhile the number of foreign students in higher education institutions of Latvia is growing every year. In academic year 2015/2016, there are 6,500 foreign students – 12% more than in the previous academic year. The number of foreign entrants has grown as well – by 17% to 2,800 in 2015/2016.

The number of entrants to vocational education has declined

In school year 2015/2016, there are 27,400 students studying in vocational education institutions – 8.3% below the previous school year.

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