Protests against 'compulsory vaccination' took place Saturday in Latvia

Take note – story published 2 years and 11 months ago

Protests against compulsory vaccination against Covid-19 took place Saturday in several Latvian municipalities, Latvian Television reported August 14.

Mandatory vaccination is provided for employees of education and some other areas in accordance with the amendments to the Law, supported by the Saeima on 4 August in the first reading. 

Police have launched 15 administrative infringement proceedings, mostly related to the unauthorized organization of protests. 

Around 200 people were protesting against this intention at the Freedom Monument, according to State Police information. Picket in Doma Square gathered up to 50 people who advocate for free choice whether to vaccinate or not.

Among protesters were also people who were concerned about the safety of their children in schools, as well as about the impact of the Pfizer vaccine on cell genetic material.

Pickets against compulsory vaccination were held also in Limbaži, Talsi, Gulbene, and other Latvian municipalities. 

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