Psychics can't «locate» person in front of them

Take note – story published 7 years and 8 months ago

A journalist from LTV's Forbidden Methods contacted several clairvoyants, asking them to locate the person from a photo he gave them. Some of them said the man in the picture is dead, or even betwixt life and death somewhere. The rub of course was that the picture was of the journalist himself.

In a story aired Monday, a journalist contacted six people advertising their psychic services.

The psychics were shown a picture of a person that's supposedly missing - a long haired young man named Roberts, aged 22 - and asked to say if he's dead or alive, if he has any money and where he could be at the moment.

Some of the clairvoyants did not want to meet, saying that they only need a picture, while some of them saw "Roberts" in person, albeit in disguise.

Not one of them were able to establish a link between the man in front of them and the one in the picture.

The responses

The first psychic to respond was Pēteris Lejiņš. His name can be found at Latvia's 'healers registry', and it's understood that he works with "energies". He asked €10 for the service. 

"I have nothing good to tell you.

[..] He's in a hospital, or a coma or something alike. His mind is not working. It's nothing good. It's a bad sign, I checked him several times and it shows that to me," said Lejiņš.

The second psychic Andris Krūmiņš - who, it is claimed online, can even help fighting cancer - said that the face is too small in the first photo. He was given another one and spoke to journalists for more than 40 minutes.

"[..] The cards almost show me something like in the movies, that the person has been drugged and taken somewhere. [..] I do make mistakes, but if everything's correct and the name is correct, the picture says that he's cold. Yes," he said, even venturing to name where the man from the photo could be located.

While the third person LTV contacted - Rolands Tiltiņš - said that the man from the photo could be underwater somewhere, however allowing that his predictions might not be 100% true.

In-person meetings

The healer Juris Kraucis, who asked €20 for the service, met the journalist in person and said that the man from the photo is alive and somewhere in the vicinity of Balvi when he in fact was in his office.

"He is in a sort of a fog, as if intoxicated. But he's sleeping. There's a bed, a small space. But I can't see much else. There's a brick or panel house, something like that. It's not an old house [..]," said the clairvoyant.

Another psychic, Bruno Pavlovičs, offered to find the person for €20.

"As I look, I see that there's something wrong with his heart. Did you call the hospitals? [..] It's a sorry sight. It's doubtful he's alive. If a person is sick, I have trouble saying whether he's alive, I can miss it.

I think he's with God now," said Pavlovičs, clueless as to who was sitting in front of him.

The last psychic - Valērija - offered to find the person for €30. 

"Yes, he's alive but beaten up. As he's alive, let's see where he is. [..]

He's in Russia or Belarus. The road signs are in Russian there. [..] At any rate, after he was beaten up and robbed he was taken somewhere, but he's alive," the psychic said.

Since 2006 a total 150 people have gone missing in Latvia.

"In seven years of operation we've met many people, including ones that told us about their extrasensory abilities. In the first years of our operation we have them the chance to prove what they can do. We offered them to visit search parties with us and find the missing person. However not even once did a 'clairvoyant' - despite their abilities - agree to this or was able to show where a person is located," the organization that helps locate missing people, said on Facebook on November 1.

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