Rescuers save moose stranded on ice

Take note – story published 6 years and 6 months ago

A moose or elk that had unfortunately frozen into the ice in eastern Latvia was rescued by the State Fire and Rescue Service, the service said January 15.

The moose had been transfixed for two days after freezing into the ice, before the rescuers arrived and used ropes to pull the poor creature away.

After being dragged to shore, the moose was seen going into the woods.

Atrasties uz ledus, kas sācis veidoties uz ūdenstilpnēm, ir bīstami ne tikai cilvēkiem, bet arī dzīvniekiem! Šodien ugunsdzēsēju glābēju palīdzība bija nepieciešama, lai krastā nogādātu alni, kurš atradās ezera vidū un ar priekškājām bija ielūzis ledū.

— VUGD (@ugunsdzeseji) January 15, 2018

As ice is forming over Latvia's water bodies, the Fire and Rescue Service asks everyone to err on the side of caution and not risk their lives needlessly.

Reports of ice fishermen drowning are common news in Latvia during winter, but people walking or skating on the ice are endangered too. 

If any wildlife happens to be reading this, the same applies to you.

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