Riga and Moscow mayors sign two-year cooperation pact

Take note – story published 9 years and 7 months ago

Riga mayor Nils Ušakovs signed a cooperation agreement Thursday with his Moscow counterpart Sergey Sobyanin that will tie the two capitals together on a variety of issues over the next two years.

The cooperation program includes organization of an annual 'Riga day' in Moscow and vice versa as well as "the promotion of business contacts between the two cities; exchange of experience in the development of public transport, parking policy, street maintenance, landscaping," and various other areas including mutual tourism promotion efforts, a Riga city press release said.

The first such bilateral agreement between the two cities was signed in 2001 and a later collaboration covering the period 2012-14 is just finishing.

During his current sojourn to the Russian megalopolis Ušakovs is also visiting a special "Riga Christmas Tree House" in Revolution Square.

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