Rīgans have got more conscientious with paying their bills

Take note – story published 1 year and 6 months ago

The bills payment discipline of Rīga Housing manager (RNP) has reached the highest historical rate despite the bills also being historically highest, RNP said on January 20.

At the end of 2022, payment discipline exceeded 84%.

RNP board member Bernhards Maļinovskis said that customer payment discipline in December exceeded 84%, although the amount of money on the bills increased by 37% against the previous year.

“Despite the fact that the total amount of bills in the final quarter of the year has increased by about a quarter, payment discipline has continued to improve. Factors affecting payment discipline – customers' conscientious attitude towards fulfilling their obligations, […] timely invoicing, regular, active and informed sending of reminders, co-operation with outsourcing debt recovery,” said Maļinovskis.

The number of homes which average close to 100% on debt payment, increased by 20% over the year.

The RNP also indicated that the renovation of the building could lead to a reduction in the regular costs of services.

Comparing a number of similar types of buildings, one of which has been renovated, the other has not – RNP has observed significant differences in monthly bills mainly on heating. Heating costs per square meter in a renovated and unrenovated building may vary even more than twice. At the same time, in renovated houses, heating season can be started one month later and ended earlier.

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