Schools and hospitals allowed to offer vegetarian menus

Take note – story published 5 years and 11 months ago

Educational institutions, hospitals, social care and resocialization institutions will be permitted to also offer children and adults vegetarian menus, according to amendments that the government approved today.

The amendments stipulate that in schools and children's hospitals, vegetarian menus will require consent from the children's parents or custodians.

Likewise, vegetarian meals will be served at hospitals, social care and resocialization institutions if requested by a patient, in writing.

The amendments stipulate that vegetarian menus for children will have to get the approval of a nutritionist in order to ensure that the meals on the menu meet the principles of healthy nutrition and the requirements on food for children in a given age group.

Among other things, the amendments also revise the rules on certain food products, for instance, weekly quantities of fruit and vegetables at school canteens, and others.

A survey carried out by the Center for Disease Prevention and Control this past January found that most 71.9% of schools were not interested in vegetarian meals, while 13.7% of schools said that schoolchildren had inquired about vegetarian menus, and 12.6% said the inquiries had come from schoolchildren's parents.

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