Survey reveals Latvians' internet safety habits

Take note – story published 8 years and 2 months ago

Security experts say Latvians have a lot to learn about the internet: many store passwords on Post-Its, forgo important security updates, and open dangerous emails, reported Latvian Television Wednesday.

"Residents are sure they know and follow the minimum digital security requirements," head of the Digital Safety Alliance Sanita Igaune told Latvian Radio.

"However if we look at their habits we see that every third internet user stores his passwords on a Post-It or in a notebook. Seven out of ten people wouldn't even notice money disappearing from their account, while a fifth of people don't know how much money is there in their online bank account," said Igaune.

While Baiba Kaškina, the head of Latvia's IT Security Incidents Response Institution, told Latvian Television that the most common security failures on part of the locals have been unchanged for years - clicking on files containing computer viruses, not making backup copies, and believing in promises too good to be true.

Despite this, according to a survey by Gemius pollster, almost all Latvians are sure that they are using the internet safely. 

In response, the Digital Safety Alliance uniting NGOs, state institutions and private companies will on Wednesday kick off the "Do in internet as you would in real life" initiative aiming to inform Latvians about internet safety.

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