Ukrainian refugees in Latvia mainly adult women

Take note – story published 1 year and 11 months ago

Since 1 January 2022, 34,700 citizens of Ukraine have arrived in Latvia and registered their place of residence here.

Females account for 22.1 thousand (63.8 %) and males for 12.6 thousand (36.2 %) of them, according to data published by the Central Statistical Bureau (CSB) July 27.

Children aged under 18 constitute 11.9 thousand (34.4 %) of all Ukraine residents who arrived in Latvia this year. Out of the number, children at pre-school age account for 3.9 thousand (11.3 %) and children aged 7–17 for 8.0 thousand (23.1 %).

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People under working age (aged 0–14) constitute 28.8 %, those of working age (aged 15–64) 64.9 %, and those over working age (aged 65+) 6.3 % of the immigrants. Out of the people who have arrived in Latvia since the beginning of the year, 70.7 % of females and 54.9 % of males were of working age.

Data of the State Revenue Service show that almost 5 thousand Ukraine citizens who arrived in Latvia were registered as employees in May 2022.

Majority of Ukraine citizens who in Latvia have been registered as employees were employed in industry (21.6 %), followed by wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles (17.2 %), and accommodation and food service activities (17.0 %). Financial and insurance activities, scientific and administrative activities, as well as real estate activities engaged 8.9 % of the people and construction – 7.7 %.

More than a third – 31.4 % – of the employees were engaged in elementary occupations, e.g., were cleaners in offices, hotels and other establishments, kitchen helpers, people replenishing goods in shelves, etc. Service and sales workers constituted 16.6 %, craft and related trades workers 12.3 %, whereas people employed in manager posts constituted the smallest share – 0.3 %.

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