Unemployment in Latvia 8th highest in the EU

Take note – story published 9 years and 1 month ago

Among the EU countries on which data is available, in July 2015 Latvia had the 8th highest unemployment level in the EU, sitting at 10.1% - according to Eurostat data published on Tuesday.

Countries with higher unemployment were Spain, Cyprus, Croatia, Portugal, Italy, Slovakia and France, while data for some countries was not available for July 2015.

The EU average unemployment was 9.5% in July, which is the lowest indicator since June 2011. The figure was 10.2% a year ago. 

No data for this period were available for Estonia, Greece, the UK and Hungary. 

According to the State Employment Agency (NVA), the unemployment level in Latvia was 8.6% of economically active citizens at the end of July, showing no change since May. 

Eurostat data differ from NVA data as different criteria are employed; for example, the NVA counts unemployed people from 15 to 62 years - the age of retirement in Latvia - while Eurostat takes into account people from 15 to 74 of age. 

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