Watch: Brooding eagle covered in May snowfall

Take note – story published 7 years and 2 months ago

Tuesday surprised parts of Latvia with snowfall as morning temperatures fell to 0..-4C in Latvia and about +1..+3C in Riga and the coastal regions. 

Latvia's popular ospreys (fish eagle) couple, currently hatching their young, looked unpleasantly surprised over the snowfall, as shown by the candid webcam of the portal. 

Temperatures fell to -1.9C in Skrīveri while it was a whopping -3.5C in Zosēni.

Tuesday will be partially cloudy, especially in Kurzeme but not the central and eastern parts of Latvia. Kurzeme will see snowfall and rain but the rest of Latvia will see only a little precipitation. 

The wind will be blowing in gusts of up to 15 m/s. Temperatures will rise to +5..+10C during the daytime.

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