Watch: Rīga freedom of speech conference live

Take note – story published 6 years and 1 month ago

June 8 sees a conference on the subject of freedom of speech taking place in Rīga as part of the Baltic Pride program of events. You can watch it at our Facebook page.

Its full title is “Freedom of Speech and Assembly: Challenges of Today" and it runs from 09:45 until 16:00 or thereabouts.

"The conference will have 3 main points of focus addressed in separate sections – freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, creative industries and human rights – and is indented to be more practical and less theoretical ensuring that the stories covered in the conference are shareable and can be used in the broader human rights work," say the organizers.

The full agenda of the conference can be read at the official webpage. A certain amount of attention will focus on the identity of a "mystery speaker" towards the end of the event.



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