The total precipitation in Latvia was 59.6 millimeters in March, which exceeds the climate rate by 62%.
The average temperature of the month was +1.6 C, which is 1.4 degrees warmer than the climate norm. Aalthough cold weather prevailed in the first half of the month with frost and snow, there were warm days in the middle of the month when a total of 17 peak temperature records were set in all regions of Latvia. On March 10 in the east of the country, as temperatures slipped below -20 C, five cold records have also been set.
On the coldest morning of the month, March 10, the temperature in Zosēni reached -26.4 C, while the warmest afternoon, March 20, was +14.6 C in Skrīveri.
Due to the large amount of precipitation in the winter months and wet weather that continued in March, Latvia experienced flooding. At the beginning of April, flooding will continue in the Daugava and downstream in the municipality of Augšdaugava.