Cooler-than-usual beginning of June in Latvia

Take note – story published 1 year and 1 month ago

The first ten days of June in Latvia was two degrees cooler than usual – the average air temperature was +12.7 C, even a degree lower than at the end of May, according to information compiled by the Latvian Environment, Geology, and Meteorology Cener.

Five cold records were outperformed, including the minimum air temperature records for all of Latvia on June 2 and 3. 

The highest air temperature was +27.3 C on June 8 in Daugavpils.

Due to dry and clear weather, there was a great difference between the lowest and highest air temperatures of the day, and on June 7 the temperature range in Rucava was 22 degrees – the  from +2.7 degrees at sunrise to +2.7 degrees in the afternoon.

As the drought continues, rainfall in the country averaged just three millimeters or 21% of the norm.

It has already been reported that May became the driest since the history of observation in Latvia. Rainfall recorded in the first decade of June was the smallest since 2018.


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