Cold end to week, then warmer weekend

Take note – story published 1 year and 4 months ago

The sun will often shine in Latvia on Thursday, but short-term precipitation, mostly in the form of sleet, is also expected in many places, according to forecasts.

Most of the precipitation will be in the central part of the country. Slow westerly winds will blow and the maximum air temperature will range from +2 to +7 degrees Celsius.

Light rain is possible in Rīga in the afternoon.

A widespread thaw on Wednesday caused localised flooding in parts of Kurzeme and in many sections of rivers in the west of the country, the water level continues to rise, and a yellow flood warning is in effect (see picture above).

Meanwhile, "Latvijas valsts ceļi" (Latvian state roads, LVC) said that slippery road conditions are likely across western and central districts. Difficult driving conditions on the country's main highways are particularly on the Liepāja highway (A9) from Apšupes intersection to Annenieki and from Blīdene to Saldum; and on the Ventspils highway (A10) from Kūdra to Usmai.

Regional roads in and around Cēsis, Dobele, Tukums, Kuldīga and Talsi are also tricky.

Temperatures are expected to drop below freezing point again on Thursday night and Friday morning, so conditions are unlikely to change much, but temperatures will rise again at the weekend, prompting further thawing.

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