Monday will be partly cloudy, with no precipitation expected. The air temperatures will be at +16 C to +19 C.
Until Thursday, a small and variable amount of cloud is expected, mostly without precipitation. Fog will form in places at night. Slow winds from the south will blow, and it will intensify slightly in the middle of the week.
On Wednesday and Thursday the air could be as warm as +19 C to +25 C and new heat records are expected. Temperatures are forecast to drop from Friday. Moderately strong westerly winds are likely to blow over the weekend, with rain at times and air temperatures no longer exceeding +14 C to +19 C, yet nights and mornings aren't expected to be cooler than +8 C to +14 C.
A meteorological autumn could begin across the country on September 30 - about a month later than usual. So far it has begun in Alūksne, Gulbene, Madona, Rēzekne, Saldus, Stende, and Zosēni, where the average daily air temperature was below 15 degrees from September 14 to 18.
Air temperatures are likely to rise again in the first half of October.