Thursday will be another day of sunshine and thunderstorms

Thursday, May 30 will be another day of high temperatres and occasional thunderstorms, according to the latest forecasts.

The sun will heat the air in Latvia to from +26 Celsius to +30 Celsius, with temperatures slightly lower along the coast.

In the afternoon and evening, brief rain showers and thunderstorms are expected in many places, and the clouds will move mainly from the southeast to the northwest.

In places, the storms will bring heavy rain, hail and gusty winds. Hailstones may be quite large. Outside of storms though, winds will be mostly light.

In Rīga, starting in the afternoon, rain and thunderstorms are possible. The wind will blow slowly from the east and southeast for most of the day. The maximum air temperature will be +29 C.

The yellow warning issued by weather forecasters is still in force in Latvia for intense heat and high fire danger in forests.

Warnings, May 29
Warnings, May 29

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