A see-saw weather week in store for Latvia

Take note – story published 3 years and 10 months ago

This week promises to be a topsy-turvy affair weather-wise with summery sun, raging winds and wintry chill within the space of a few days, according to LSM weatherman Toms Bricis.

After a gray Monday, on Tuesday and Wednesday, the weather will be mostly sunny and warm with temperatures of around +20 Celsius on Tuesday and even + 25 C on Wednesday degrees. On both these days, the prevailing winds will be not too strong and from the south and west.

On Wednesday night, the wind will swing around to come from the northwest and gain appreciably in strength, gusting up to 25-29 meters per second on the coast, which has the potential to cause storm damage.

The air temperature on Thursday will reach only +10 C to + 15 C with scattered rainfall.

As the weekend approaches skies will clear again but this time they will not bring warmer temperatures. Quite the opposite in fact, and early morning temperatures on Saturday and Sunday could even dip as low as freezing point with frost evident on grass. 

For an illustration of the contrasting conditions likely to be encountered this week, look no further than the graphic below! 


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