June 2019 was hottest and driest in Latvian history

Take note – story published 5 years ago

The average temperature last month was +18.6 degrees Celsius, or 3.8 degrees above normal. This June, then, has proved to be the hottest June ever recorded in Latvia, as in the rest of world, according to the data collected by the Latvian Environment, Geology, and Meteorology Center, reported LSM's Latvian service on June 3.

This June broke the record of the June of 1999, when the average temperature reached +18.1 degrees C.

Data provided by the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) show that the European average temperatures were more than 2 degrees C above normal, surpassing the June of 1999 by one degree C.

According to “Copernicus”, the global average air temperature also reached a new record last month, surpassing the previous warmest June of 2016 by 0.1 degrees C. 

Experts warn that the heatwaves will become more frequent in the coming years due to climate change.

In the last hundred years, global air temperature have risen by one degree C on average, and in Europe by about one and a half degrees C.

In Latvia, many heat records were broken, and by the time of the summer solstice, the average monthly temperature had risen to +19 degrees C, while the average of the third part of the month was +17,7 degrees C. There was more sunshine than usual, and less rain than in the past years. 

The average precipitation in Latvia this June was 49 millimeters, or 2/3 below average. The Southern part of the country experienced the least rain, while in Kuldīga, Kolka, and Cēsis the precipitation was above normal. 

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