Temperatures plunge, freeze tightens grip

Take note – story published 8 years and 6 months ago

Temperatures in parts of Latvia dipped well below -20C Tuesday night making it the coldest of the winter so far with forecasters predicting several more days of bitter conditions before a weekend warm-up. 

Tuesday night saw the thermometer drop to -24C (-11F) in Daugavpils with central Riga at -15C and coastal areas of Kurzeme considerably milder at around -8C.

Wednesday and Thursday nights could see temperatures drop to around -28C, LTV weatherman Toms Bricis said. 

However, the arrival of a new weather system from the west should see daytime temperatures return to somewhere around freezing temperature for the weekend.

Wind speeds may also pick up as a result, and more snow is expected early next week.

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